WORK IN PROGRESS: Much to be done!
DAVE'S COMPREHENSIVE GUITAR CHORDS — Version 0.0.2a — © Copyright 2001
Tuning: X O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  Notes: Chord Names:
Root: 3rd: 5th: 6th: 7th: 9th: 11th:
Chord Builder: 


This calculator is far from perfect (see Wish List below), but it's the most
comprehensive chord reference you're likely to find.  In addition to giving you
the fingurings for any complex chord that you might build, it also features
'reverse look-up', naming any chord that you can pick out on the fretboard.
There is also support for your custom tunings.

***Save bandwidth!*** By saving this web page to your system you will have the
FULL FUNCTIONALITY of the calculator while offline.  But don't forget to
bookmark this page so you can come back for updates and latest info.


(You'll find this most useful if you keep a guitar handy ;-)

Optionally, set a different tuning from the usual EADGBE.  Try some of the 'open
tunings' such as DADF(#)AD, DADGAD, DADGBE or DGDGCD.

Either: use the Chord Builder (see notes below) to construct a chord name for
which the fingering of that name will be given. To find different positions for
the same chord, move the Barre up and down the neck.

Or: 'play' chords by setting the Frets to find out what they're called. To
quickly find which fret to play for a given note, use the Notes menus.

Hovering your mouse over active areas of the screen displays helpful 'Tool Tips'.

Chord Builder

An example: I want to know how to play the A minor 7th chord... click Clear All
to simplify the display.  Then in Chord Builder, Select A as the Root.  This
will automatically set major 3rd and perfect 5th intervals, giving the chord of
A major, and the fretboard above will show the fingurings.  Next, change the 3rd
to a minor (or flatten the C# to C) and add a 7th.  Chord found.

Moving the Barre to the right will find the next position, while clicking on one
of the chord names (e.g, C6) will set Chord Builder's Root to C, along with that
chord's other intervals.

Chord Naming

The naming system used here is a little crude: it's possible for a the same
interval to appear more than once in a name (e.g., C -9 9 +9). In the rare cases
this happens, just add or subtract multiples of 7 to the intervals until they
are different (e.g., C -2 9 +16). Also, columns marked with an asterisk (*)
above, blindly override enharmonics in neighbouring columns (e.g., adding +13 to
C +5 makes C +5 7). If you want to make chords like these, you probably have no
need for a chord calculator!

Interval names and their distance from root:

  1  min9   -      -       -     -      -
  2  2/9    -      -       -     -      -
  3  aug9  *min3   -       -     -      -
  4  -   (**maj3)  -       -     -      -
  5  -     *sus4   11      -     -      -
  6  -      -      aug11  *dim5  -      -
  7  -      -      -    (**per5) -      -
  8  -      -      -      *aug5  min6   -
  9  -      -      -       -    *6/13  *dim7
 10  -      -      -       -     aug13 *7
 11  -      -      -       -     -    **maj7 

PLAYABLE CHORDS: Some of the chords generated by the calculator require SIX VERY
long fingers!  A smarter algorithm would help here.  Meanwhile, omit the more
unreachable strings.

NETSCAPE SUPPORT: While it's still buggy, I have no plans to support this

AUDIO: I've resisted suggestions to embed sound files in this program.  As it
stands, the program remains self-contained.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Feel free to copy and redistribute this product, keeping this
notice with it.  Moral ownership of the author is hereby asserted.


Please email your comments/bug-reports/suggestions to